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* fsStat.h --
* Declarations for the file system statistics.
* Note: since all variables are counters, they are unsigned
* in order to make the high-order bit useable.
* Copyright 1986 Regents of the University of California
* All rights reserved.
* $Header: /sprite/src/kernel/fs/RCS/fsStat.h,v 9.15 91/06/27 17:37:07 mgbaker Exp $ SPRITE (Berkeley)
#ifndef _FSSTAT
#define _FSSTAT
* Note, both client and server Naming operations are kept.
typedef struct Fs_NameOpStats {
unsigned int numReadOpens; /* open(O_RDONLY) on client. Count
* of all server open calls */
unsigned int numWriteOpens; /* open(O_WRONLY) */
unsigned int numReadWriteOpens; /* open(O_RDWR) */
unsigned int chdirs; /* Number Fs_ChangeDir */
unsigned int makeDevices; /* Number Fs_MakeDevice */
unsigned int makeDirs; /* Number Fs_MakeDirectory */
unsigned int removes; /* Number Fs_Remove */
unsigned int removeDirs; /* Number Fs_RemoveDirs */
unsigned int renames; /* Number Fs_Rename */
unsigned int hardLinks; /* Number Fs_HardLink */
unsigned int symLinks; /* Number Fs_SymLink */
unsigned int getAttrs; /* Number get attrs from name */
unsigned int setAttrs; /* Number set attrs by name */
unsigned int getAttrIDs; /* Number set attrs by open stream */
unsigned int setAttrIDs; /* Number get attrs from open stream */
unsigned int getIOAttrs; /* Number get attr from I/O server */
unsigned int setIOAttrs; /* Number set attr to I/O server */
} Fs_NameOpStats;
typedef struct Fs_GeneralStats {
unsigned int physBytesRead; /* Number of physical (ie descriptors)
* disk bytes read. */
unsigned int fileBytesRead; /* Number of file bytes read from the
* disk */
unsigned int fileReadOverflow; /* Extra */
unsigned int remoteBytesRead; /* Bytes read in Fsrmt_Read. */
unsigned int remoteReadOverflow; /* Extra */
unsigned int deviceBytesRead; /* Number of bytes read from devices */
unsigned int physBytesWritten; /* Number of physical disk bytes
* written */
unsigned int fileBytesWritten; /* Number of file bytes written to
* the disk */
unsigned int fileWriteOverflow; /* Extra */
unsigned int remoteBytesWritten; /* Bytes written in Fsrmt_Write */
unsigned int remoteWriteOverflow; /* Extra */
unsigned int deviceBytesWritten; /* Number of bytes written to devices */
unsigned int fileBytesDeleted; /* Number of file bytes deleted
* (total) */
unsigned int fileDeleteOverflow; /* Extra */
} Fs_GeneralStats;
* Cache statistics.
typedef struct Fs_BlockCacheStats {
* Read statistics.
unsigned int readAccesses; /* Read fetches on the cache. */
unsigned int bytesRead; /* Total bytes read from the cache
* including misses read into cache */
unsigned int bytesReadOverflow; /* Extra */
unsigned int readHitsOnDirtyBlock; /* Fetches that hit on a block that had
* dirty data in it. */
unsigned int readHitsOnCleanBlock; /* Fetches that hit on a block that had
* clean data in it. */
unsigned int readZeroFills; /* Blocks that are zero filled
* because read did not fill the
* whole block. */
unsigned int domainReadFails; /* Number of domain reads from
* Fscache_Write and Fscache_Read that
* were unsuccessful. */
unsigned int readAheads; /* Number of read ahead processes
* that were started up. */
unsigned int readAheadHits; /* Number of reads that hit on a
* block that was read ahead. */
unsigned int allInCacheCalls; /* Number of time FscacheAllBlocksInCache routine
* was called. */
unsigned int allInCacheTrue; /* Number of times that FscacheAllBlocksInCache
* returned TRUE. */
* Write statistics. See also WriteBackStats.
unsigned int writeAccesses; /* Number of write fetches on the
* cache. */
unsigned int bytesWritten; /* Total bytes written to the cache
* including new blocks */
unsigned int bytesWrittenOverflow; /* Extra */
unsigned int appendWrites; /* NEVER SET. Blocks written in
* append mode. */
unsigned int overWrites; /* Cache blocks that were
* overwritten. */
unsigned int writeZeroFills1; /* Blocks that are zero filled because
* read of old block did not fill
* whole block. */
unsigned int writeZeroFills2; /* Blocks that are zero filled because
* user is only doing a partial write
* to a new block. */
unsigned int partialWriteHits; /* Read hits in the cache when are
* writing to the middle of a block
* and have to read in the data that
* is already there. */
unsigned int partialWriteMisses; /* Misses for above case. */
unsigned int blocksWrittenThru; /* Number of dirty blocks that were
* written thru. */
unsigned int dataBlocksWrittenThru; /* Number of data block that were
* written thru. */
unsigned int indBlocksWrittenThru; /* Number of indirect blocks that
* were written thru. */
unsigned int descBlocksWrittenThru; /* Number of descriptor blocks that
* were written thru. */
unsigned int dirBlocksWrittenThru; /* Number of directory blocks that
* were writtenw thru. */
* Fragment statistics.
unsigned int fragAccesses; /* Cache blocks that were fetched in
* order to upgrade fragments. */
unsigned int fragHits; /* Hits on fragAccesses. */
unsigned int fragZeroFills; /* Cache blocks that had to be zero
* filled because of frag upgrades. */
* File descriptor accesses.
unsigned int fileDescReads; /* File descriptor reads. */
unsigned int fileDescReadHits; /* File descriptor hits in the cache. */
unsigned int fileDescWrites; /* File descriptor writes. */
unsigned int fileDescWriteHits; /* File descriptor write hits in the
* cache. */
* Indirect block accesses.
unsigned int indBlockAccesses; /* Indirect block reads. */
unsigned int indBlockHits; /* Access hits in the cache. */
unsigned int indBlockWrites; /* Indirect blocks written. */
* Directory block accesses.
unsigned int dirBlockAccesses; /* Directory block reads. */
unsigned int dirBlockHits; /* Directory block hits. */
unsigned int dirBlockWrites; /* Directory block writes. */
unsigned int dirBytesRead; /* Bytes read from directories */
unsigned int dirBytesWritten; /* Bytes written to directories */
* Variable size cache statistics.
unsigned int vmRequests; /* Number of times virtual memory
* requested memory from us. */
unsigned int triedToGiveToVM; /* Number of vmRequests that we
* tried to satisfy because
* we had free blocks */
unsigned int vmGotPage; /* Number of vmRequests that we
* satisfied after checking LRU times */
* Block allocation statistics.
unsigned int partFree; /* Got the block off of the partially
* free list. */
unsigned int totFree; /* Got the block off of the totally
* free list. */
unsigned int unmapped; /* Created a new block. */
unsigned int lru; /* Recycled a block. */
* Cache size numbers.
unsigned int minCacheBlocks; /* The minimum number of blocks that
* can be in the cache. */
unsigned int maxCacheBlocks; /* The maximum number of blocks that
* can be in the cache. */
unsigned int maxNumBlocks; /* The maximum number of blocks that
* can ever be in the cache. */
unsigned int numCacheBlocks; /* The actual number of blocks that
* are in the cache. */
unsigned int numFreeBlocks; /* The number of cache blocks that
* aren't being used. */
* Miscellaneous.
unsigned int blocksPitched; /* The number of blocks that were
* thrown out at the command of
* virtual memory. */
int blocksFlushed; /* The number of blocks written back
due to consistency. */
int migBlocksFlushed; /* The number of blocks written back
due to consistency for migrated
files. */
} Fs_BlockCacheStats;
* Block allocation statistics.
typedef struct Fs_AllocStats {
unsigned int blocksAllocated; /* Full blocks allocated. */
unsigned int blocksFreed; /* Full blocks freed. */
unsigned int cylsSearched; /* Cylinders searched to find a good
* cylinder.*/
unsigned int cylHashes; /* Hashes done to find a starting
* cylinder. */
unsigned int cylBitmapSearches; /* Cylinder bitmap entries searched. */
unsigned int fragsAllocated; /* Fragments allocated. */
unsigned int fragsFreed; /* Fragments freed. */
unsigned int fragToBlock; /* Fragments that when freed made a
* full block free. */
unsigned int fragUpgrades; /* Fragments that were attempted to
* be extended.*/
unsigned int fragsUpgraded; /* Number of fragUpgrades that
* were successful. */
unsigned int badFragList; /* Fragment list entries that didn't
* really have fragments of the
* desired size.*/
unsigned int fullBlockFrags; /* Full blocks that had to
* be fragmented. */
} Fs_AllocStats;
* Name cache statistics.
typedef struct Fs_NameCacheStats {
unsigned int accesses; /* Number of times something was
* looked for */
unsigned int hits; /* Number of times it was found */
unsigned int replacements; /* Number of entries recycled via LRU */
unsigned int size; /* Number of entries total */
} Fs_NameCacheStats;
* Handle statistics.
typedef struct Fs_HandleStats {
unsigned int maxNumber; /* Current limit on table size. */
unsigned int exists; /* Number of handles currently in existence. */
unsigned int installCalls; /* Calls to Fsutil_HandleInstall. */
unsigned int installHits; /* installs in which handle was found. */
unsigned int fetchCalls; /* Calls to Fsutil_HandleFetch. */
unsigned int fetchHits; /* fetches in which handle was found. */
unsigned int release; /* Calls to Fsutil_HandleRelease. */
unsigned int locks; /* Number of times a handle was locked. */
unsigned int lockWaits; /* Number of times had to wait on a lock */
unsigned int unlocks; /* Number of times a handle was unlocked. */
unsigned int created; /* Handles that have been created. */
unsigned int lruScans; /* Number of LRU replacement scans */
unsigned int lruChecks; /* Number of handles checked for reclaimation */
unsigned int lruHits; /* Number of handles actually reclaimed */
unsigned int lruEntries; /* Number of handles in LRU list. */
unsigned int limbo; /* Number of handles marked for removal */
* The following are specific to regular files.
unsigned int versionMismatch; /* Version mismatch on file. */
unsigned int cacheFlushes; /* Cache flushed because of version mismatch
* of not cacheable. */
unsigned int segmentFetches; /* Calls by VM to see if there is indeed
* already a segment with the code file. */
unsigned int segmentHits; /* Segment fetches that return non-nil
* segment. */
} Fs_HandleStats;
* Prefix table statistics. These are client-side statistics
typedef struct Fs_PrefixStats {
unsigned int relative; /* Number of relative names encountered */
unsigned int absolute; /* Number of absolute names subject to prefix
* lookup */
unsigned int redirects; /* Number of redirects from the server */
unsigned int loops; /* Number of circular redirects */
unsigned int timeouts; /* Number of times the server was down */
unsigned int stale; /* Number of times server server rejected a
* handle */
unsigned int found; /* Number of times found a new prefix */
} Fs_PrefixStats;
* Name lookup statistics. These are server-side statistics.
typedef struct Fs_LookupStats {
unsigned int number; /* Number of pathname lookups */
unsigned int numComponents; /* Number of pathname components parsed */
unsigned int numSpecial; /* Number of $MACHINE names encounted */
unsigned int forDelete; /* Number for deletion */
unsigned int forLink; /* Number for linking */
unsigned int forRename; /* Number for rename */
unsigned int forCreate; /* Number for creation */
unsigned int symlinks; /* Number of symbolic links encountered */
unsigned int redirect; /* Number of redirects due to symbolic links */
unsigned int remote; /* Number of redirects due to remote links */
unsigned int parent; /* Number of redirects due to ".." */
unsigned int notFound; /* Number of FILE_NOT_FOUND lookups */
} Fs_LookupStats;
* Counts of various file system objects.
typedef struct Fs_ObjectStats {
int streams;
int streamClients; /* Equal to streams, except during migration */
int files; /* Local files, not including directories */
int rmtFiles;
int pipes;
int devices;
int controls; /* Pdev and Pfs control streams */
int pseudoStreams; /* One count for both client/server handles */
int remote; /* All the various remote objects but files*/
int directory;
int dirFlushed; /* Directories that were flushed */
int fileClients; /* Number of consist.clientList entries */
int other; /* For unknown objects */
} Fs_ObjectStats;
* File system recovery statistics.
typedef struct Fs_RecoveryStats {
int number; /* Number of reopens by this client */
int wants; /* Calls to Fsutil_WantRecovery */
int waitOK; /* Successful RecoveryWaits */
int waitFailed; /* Unnsuccessful RecoveryWaits */
int waitAbort; /* Interrupted RecoveryWaits */
int timeout; /* Re-open's that timed out */
int failed; /* Re-open's that failed */
int deleted; /* Re-open's of a file that has been deleted */
int offline; /* Re-open's of a file that is now offline */
int succeeded; /* Re-open's that worked */
int clientCrashed; /* Number of clients that crashed */
int clientRecovered; /* Number of clients that re-opened files */
int reopensAvoided; /* Unneeded reopens skipped */
} Fs_RecoveryStats;
* Cache conistency statistics.
typedef struct Fs_ConsistStats {
int files; /* The number of times consistency was checked*/
int clients; /* The number of clients considered */
int notCaching; /* # of other clients that weren't caching */
int readCachingMyself; /* # of clients that were read caching */
int readCachingOther; /* # of other clients that were read caching */
int writeCaching; /* # of lastWriters that re-opened */
int writeBack; /* # of lastWriters forced to write-back */
int readInvalidate; /* # of readers forced to stop caching */
int writeInvalidate; /* # of writers forced to stop caching */
int nonFiles; /* # of directories, links, etc. */
int swap; /* # of uncached swap files. */
int cacheable; /* # of files that were cacheable */
int uncacheable; /* # of files that were not cacheable */
} Fs_ConsistStats;
* (More) Write-back statistics.
typedef struct Fs_WriteBackStats {
int passes; /* Number of times Fs_CleanBlocks called */
int files; /* Number of dirty files processed */
int blocks; /* Number of dirty blocks processed */
int maxBlocks; /* Max blocks processed in one pass */
} Fs_WriteBackStats;
* Some miscellaneous stats to determine why we read remote bytes.
typedef struct Fs_RemoteIOStats {
int blocksReadForVM; /* Blocks read from Fs_PageRead (old) */
int bytesReadForCache; /* Bytes read into the cache for remote files */
int bytesWrittenFromCache; /* Bytes written from the cache for rmt files */
int uncacheableBytesRead; /* Uncacheable bytes read (not counting swap) *
* (FS_NOT_CACHEABLE flag) */
int uncacheableBytesWritten;/* Uncacheable bytes written *
* (FS_NOT_CACHEABLE flag) */
int sharedStreamBytesRead; /* Bytes read from shared uncacheable streams */
int sharedStreamBytesWritten;/* Bytes written to shared uncached streams */
int hitsOnVMBlock; /* Code and Heap pages found in the cache */
int missesOnVMBlock; /* Code and Heap pages not found in the cache */
int bytesReadForVM; /* Bytes read in RmtFilePageRead */
int bytesWrittenForVM; /* Bytes written in RmtFilePageWrite */
int hitsOnHeapBlock; /* Block in cache? */
int missesOnHeapBlock; /* Block not in cache? */
int bytesReadForHeap; /* Heap bytes read into cache */
int bytesReadForHeapUncached; /* Unached heap bytes read */
} Fs_RemoteIOStats;
* Statistics relating to migration.
typedef struct Fs_MigStats {
unsigned int filesEncapsulated; /* Total number of files encapsulated
by this host */
unsigned int filesDeencapsulated; /* Total number of files deencapsulated
by this host */
unsigned int consistActions; /* Total number of files for which
this host was the i/o server doing
consistency */
unsigned int readOnlyFiles; /* Total number of files deencapsulated
read-only */
unsigned int alreadyThere; /* Total number of (writable) files
already on target. NOT USED. */
unsigned int uncacheableFiles; /* Total number of files deencapsulated
that were uncacheable to begin
with, and stayed that way. */
unsigned int cacheWritableFiles; /* Total number of cacheable, writable
files that were still cacheable
after migration. */
unsigned int uncacheToCacheFiles; /* Total number of uncacheable
files that became cacheable after
migration. */
unsigned int cacheToUncacheFiles; /* Total number of cacheable
files that became uncacheable after
migration. */
unsigned int errorsOnDeencap; /* Any files that couldn't be
deencapsulated due to errors. */
unsigned int encapSquared; /* Sum of squares for
filesEncapsulated. */
unsigned int deencapSquared; /* Sum of squares for
filesDeencapsulated. */
} Fs_MigStats;
* File system statistics.
typedef struct Fs_Stats {
int statsVersion; /* Version number of statistics info */
Fs_NameOpStats cltName; /* Client-side naming operations */
Fs_NameOpStats srvName; /* Server-side naming operations */
Fs_GeneralStats gen; /* General I/O operations */
Fs_BlockCacheStats blockCache; /* Block cache operations */
Fs_AllocStats alloc; /* Disk allocation */
Fs_HandleStats handle; /* Handle management */
Fs_PrefixStats prefix; /* Client-side prefix operations */
Fs_LookupStats lookup; /* Server-side lookup operations */
Fs_NameCacheStats nameCache; /* Server name cache */
Fs_ObjectStats object; /* Counts of various objects */
Fs_RecoveryStats recovery; /* Crash recovery and reopening */
Fs_ConsistStats consist; /* Cache consistency actions */
Fs_WriteBackStats writeBack; /* Cache write-back stats */
Fs_RemoteIOStats rmtIO; /* Remote I/O stats */
Fs_MigStats mig; /* Migration */
} Fs_Stats;
* Keep a histogram of file lifetimes in a three-dimensional matrix,
* for lifetime, file size, and file type. Buckets for size are
* scaled logarithmically. Buckets for lifetime are determined as
* follows, where each bucket corresponds to a lifetime less than that
* value:
* seconds: 1, 2, ..., 10, 20, ..., 50
* minutes: 1, 2, ..., 10, 20, ..., 50
* hours: 1, 2, ..., 10, 15, 20 (<24)
* days: 1, 2, ..., 10, 20, .., 60, 90, 120, 180, 240, 300, 360, > 360
* For example, a file that is 0 seconds old is < 1 second and is in
* bucket 0; a file that is exactly 15 hours old is in the bucket labeled
* "20 hours" since that contains everything from 15 hours to
* (20 hours - 1 second).
* The divisions are somewhat arbitrary and are subject to change.
* Define the number of buckets here: 32 size buckets will cover 2 **
* 32 bytes (max file size); throw in one more bucket for subtotals by
* time. For times, define an array containing the number of seconds
* and number of buckets for each group described above.
typedef struct Fs_HistGroupInfo {
unsigned int secondsPerBucket;
unsigned int bucketsPerGroup;
} Fs_HistGroupInfo;
#define FS_HIST_SECONDS 10
#define FS_HIST_HOURS 9
#define FS_HIST_DAYS 9
#define FS_HIST_TEN_DAYS 5
* The number of types that we gather statistics for.
* Subscripts for arrays that separate data for read and write.
#define FS_STAT_READ 0
#define FS_STAT_WRITE 1
typedef struct Fs_TypeStats {
unsigned int diskBytes[2][FS_STAT_NUM_TYPES];
/* Number of bytes read/written from/to
* different types of files on disk */
unsigned int cacheBytes[2][FS_STAT_NUM_TYPES];
/* Number of bytes read or written through
* cache */
unsigned int bytesDeleted[FS_STAT_NUM_TYPES];
/* Number of bytes deleted from files due
* to truncation or removal */
unsigned int deleteHist /* Histogram of deletions, by type */
} Fs_TypeStats;
Fs_TypeStats fs_TypeStats;
* Macro to add to a counter, watching for overflow. We use unsigned
* integers and wrap around if the high-order bit gets set. This assumes
* that the amount to be added each time is
* relatively small (so we can't miss the overflow bit).
#define FS_STAT_OVERFLOW (1 << (sizeof(unsigned int) * 8 - 1))
#define Fs_StatAdd(thisCount, counter, overflow) \
counter += thisCount; \
if (counter & FS_STAT_OVERFLOW) { \
overflow += 1; \
counter &= ~FS_STAT_OVERFLOW; \
#ifdef SOSP91
typedef struct Fs_SospMigStats {
Fs_BlockCacheStats blockCache;
Fs_RemoteIOStats rmtIO;
Fs_GeneralStats gen;
} Fs_SospMigStats;
extern Fs_SospMigStats fs_SospMigStats;
#endif SOSP91
* We've changed things so that heap pages are cacheable.
* In order to know how much of the vm bytes are found in the cache or not,
* we need these new counters. bytesReadForCache now includes heap bytes
* as does bytesReadForVM, so we use this extra counter to know how much of
* that is so.
#ifdef SOSP91
typedef struct Fs_NewStats {
int uncacheableDirBytesRead;
int uncacheableDirBytesReadMig;
int CORPageServerRead;
int CORPageServerReadM;
int hitsOnCodePage;
int hitsOnCodePageM;
int hitsOnSwapPage;
int hitsOnSwapPageM;
int missesOnCodePage;
int missesOnCodePageM;
int missesOnSwapPage;
int missesOnSwapPageM;
int psFilledM;
int fsFilledM;
int zeroFilledM;
int totalFaultsM;
int remoteDevicishBytesRead;
int remoteDevicishBytesReadM;
int COWCopySwapPage;
int COWCopySwapPageM;
} Fs_NewStats;
extern Fs_NewStats fs_MoreStats;
#endif SOSP91
extern Fs_Stats fs_Stats;
#endif _FSSTAT